Healing Waters Lupus Support


Lupus a long journey 2

Join us in our fundraiser to help spiritually and physically support our sisters who are dealing with Lupus.   If you have a prayer request for someone please send it in through our intercessory prayer page.  If you would like to become a member of Healing Waters or have any other comments you can contact us through the form below.  If you would like to donate please follow the steps below.

Finally if you are personally dealing with lupus know that you are not lone.  God says in His Word I will never leave you nor forsake you.  He is with us always even when we are going through physical and spiritual pain.  Lean on Him and be confident in knowing He is with you and He sends others to stand by, pray for and support you.  We love you with the Love of Christ Jesus!

God Bless You All!

Join our fundraiser:  Donate at the link below

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